Maybe you’re just at the beginning of having the conversation with your aging parent about remaining in her home and living out her days there as much as she is able. For many senior citizens, this is one of their top wishes. But as a caregiver, you might have several concerns that you need to address before you can be completely at ease with letting your parent live at home, especially if she will be alone.

Is her home safe?

You might be worried about stairs, sidewalks, even getting in and out of the tub alone. As a caregiver, you most likely cannot be there 100% of the time. Do a walk through the home with your parent, and maybe even someone who is experienced in helping the elderly stay at home like a home care provider, to review areas that you could make more safe for your parent. Maybe it’s a matter of making sure there are strong railings at each staircase or perhaps you need to install grab bars in the shower.

Will she be lonely?

Are you concerned that your parent isn’t able to get out and about very much, making connections with those around her? While as her caregiver you most likely provide a certain degree of socialization and connection, you might be worried about long days left alone or weekends without any plans for your parent. Hiring an elder care professional to have regular visits with your parent might help with those concerns. You can also enlist the help of friends and family. Even if they can’t physically visit, have your relatives plan regularly scheduled phone calls to check in and provide that opportunity for your parent to talk to someone. If your parent is able to care for a pet, finding the perfect pet companion for your parent might be another way to help alleviate loneliness.

Blog by Medi-Cure Home Care

How will she get around?

Whether you’re concerned about her ability to physically get around or having the resources needed to get to appointments and go shopping, as her caregiver, you’ll want to make sure your parent is set up to be able to do both. If physical restrictions are a concern, help prepare her home with the proper equipment to get around independently. It might be installing ramps outside instead of stairs or even purchasing a walker or scooter. For trips outside the home, if you are unable to drive her to her appointments, look for volunteer agencies that provide those services or hire a home care provider that can pick up your parent and bring her to where she wants to go.

Your elderly parent is lucky to have a caregiver willing to research and make the choices needed to ensure she can remain in her home for as long as possible. Living in her home will fulfill her wish of spending her final years in a place where she is surrounded by comfort and familiarity, not to mention her loving family.

If you or an aging loved one is considering caregivers in Dunwoody, GA, please contact the caring staff at Medi-Cure Home Care. Call today: (770) 755-1394

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