A wide variety of duties and responsibilities fall under the umbrella of caregiving. A caregiver’s duties may include grocery shopping, light housekeeping, transportation, or assisting with medication management. 

Whether a caregiver is a compassionate family member or a trusted professional, the individual serving in the capacity of a caregiver plays an important role for an elderly person in ensuring continuity of care. 

Caregivers may be paid for their services or they may be volunteers. It’s common for one or more caregivers to work as a team to help prevent individual burnout. 

We’ll provide a description of a caregiver along with their duties and responsibilities. We’ll also provide an overview of the different types of caregivers and highlight the benefits of being a caregiver for a loved one.  

What Is a Caregiver?

Since so many activities fall under the term caregiver, let’s drill down the definition. Simply put, a caregiver is an individual who assists another individual with their daily tasks and other activities. 

It’s common for elderly people to enlist the help of a caregiver when they’re injured, ill, or have memory issues, limited mobility, or a chronic condition. You might think of it as a caregiver filling the gap in the activities an elderly person can’t do alone. 

Home Caregiver Duties and Responsibilities

If you’re exploring the possibility of becoming a  caregiver, you’re probably wondering, “What does a caregiver do?” 

To answer the question, we’re providing a list of the most common tasks that in-home senior caregivers provide. 

1. Evaluating medical needs. A senior’s medical needs often change over time. As a caregiver, you have a lot of contact with a senior, and you’re in the best position to notice any changes, and that gives you an opportunity to report changes to other medical professionals. 

 2. Assisting in preparing a care plan. Seniors do best when they have a routine. Caregivers help prepare a responsible care plan that covers all the bases. A care plan is a valuable tool for determining the optimal number of hours a senior needs care. 

3. Tending to a senior’s basic needs. The responsibilities of a caregiver encompass helping seniors eat, bathe, groom, and use the bathroom. Collectively, these activities are referred to as activities of daily living (ADLs).

 4. Providing companionship. Seniors that have difficulty getting out into the world often experience isolation and loneliness, which can lead to depression or other consequences. Caregivers benefit from human interaction. As a family caregiver, you have an opportunity to strengthen your bond with your loved one.  

5. Helping out with housekeeping. Caregivers often lend a helping hand with things like washing dishes, taking out the garbage, dusting, or vacuuming. Some caregivers also arrange for help with yard work, shoveling snow, and other maintenance activities. 

Different Types of Caregivers

The word caregiver is a broad term that encompasses different types of caregivers. Find a brief description of some types of caregivers below.

  1. Family caregiver – a family member serves as a caregiver.
  2. Agency caregiver – a caregiver who is hired through a licensed senior care agency. 
  3. Senior living caregiver – a caregiver who works in an assisted living community.
  4. Independent caregiver – a private caregiver the senior or family employs. 
  5. Informal caregiver – someone who provides care on an informal, as-needed basis.
  6. Volunteer caregiver – an individual who volunteers their time to provide companionship and supervision. 

The type of caregiver you become is based on the individual needs and desires of the person needing care. 

The Benefits of Caregiving

Regardless of what type of caregiver you become, the benefits of caregiving are rewarding and worthwhile. In case you’re wondering, “What are the benefits of caregiving?” we’ll name a few of the important ones. 

  • Strengthening bonds and relationships that will be treasured long after the senior’s death
  • Learning stories of their youth, young adulthood, and beyond
  • Hearing tales of their lifelong wishes and dreams
  • Understanding their concerns about aging and independence

In caring for a senior, you will also gain insight into your own life and future. Caring for someone will motivate you to set up support systems for your own care as you age. The lessons you learn can spark discussions with your spouse and children about how you’d prefer to be cared for if the time comes when you need assistance with activities of daily living.

A caregiver doesn’t have to do it all. Different types of caregivers offer different skills and provide different services. They can work alone or as part of a valued team of caregivers. Whatever their role, caregivers provide stability and continuity for seniors at a critical time of need. 

For seniors who are looking for companionship, skilled nursing care or something in between, our expert staff at Medi-Cure Home Care is eager to assist. Call us at 770-755-1394 for a consultation today.

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